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Reservoir Reservations...

AltiTerra Admin

The new owners of this property need to relocate this reservoir to a different location so they can develop the current location. Having current information about the reservoir will helped them make an educated decision about how to proceed. First, they needed to know the current volume (capacity) of the reservoir so they could match the volume for the new. Second, they needed to know the how much dirt they need to move and if there's a need to bring in additional material or remove excess.

A 3D Model of this property can answer all of the questions. Let's take a look. The model below was generated with Pix4D Mapper, one of the most popular 2D Mapping (Orthomosaic) and 3D Modeling tools on the market.

Let's answer the first question: What is the capacity of the reservoir? If they rebuild they need to meet or exceed the current capacity. Using the Volumes feature in Pix4D we can easily determine the current capacity. Using the polygon tool we identify the interior edges of the reservoir (note the "Reservoir Volume" box highlighted in green below). Pix4D quickly determines the "Fill Volume" is 127980sqft. We aren't concerned about the Cut Volume or the Total Volume in this case, but we'll get to those in a minute. Using our 3D model we can quickly determine they need a new reservoir that's at least 128k sq ft.

Now we need to determine how much material we're moving and if we need to bring in additional material or remove excess. Using Pix4D Mapper we draw a new polygon around the exterior of the reservoir. Pix4D quickly computes the Cut Volume as 59k sq ft, the Fill Volume as 99.5k sq ft, and the "total Volume" as -40.5k sq ft. In this scenario we're going to "cut" the walls of the reservoir and use them to backfill the interior, which is 99.5k sq ft. The material from the walls alone isn't enough to level the entire area in this case. The owner will need to bring in an additional 40.5k sq ft of material to level the area.

Using a 3D model quickly allowed the owners to figure out some important details about their project. First, they know the current volume of the reservoir so they can make informed decisions about the design for the new one. Second, they know they have to cut/move the walls into the interior of the reservoir - backfilling. And third, they will bring in about 40.5k sq ft of material to level things out. These volumes quickly help build out the project timeline and budget.

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